About the artist

Image and concept, feeling and aesthetics, research and discomfort. These are some of the characteristics that SOME addresses in his works. From the first graffiti, through digital graphics to more mature works, the artist experiments with various techniques, taking inspiration from Pop Art and Street Art, which have made and are still making history.
Fascinations that are current and almost omnipresent in contemporary society.

Words by Brad Clark

Curator says

Irreverence to the capitalist core of popular culture and the art that sprang from it
combined with a darker depth behind a cheerful, colourful veneer show that SOME’s
work, on close examination, has a deeper meaning and personal expression than
could otherwise be missed if situated on a busy street.

Catalogue on Amazon

"SOME: The art of"

The power of the image bursts into everything around the artist and contributes to his personal vision of contemporary society that the artist himself describes as schizophrenic and nihilistic.
It is a society that speaks in symbols, in iconic images of celebrities, consumer products, slogans and often clumsy customs. The artist navigates between these aesthetics with a truly contemporary style.

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